I love the SSH protocol. Not only does it secure telnet and ftp -two highly useful and highly insecure protocols- but it has all these other little tricks buried in it. It is this wealth of features which makes SSH so useful, but also conversely what can also make it so dangerous when improperly implemented. In this article I am going to be specifically talking about port forwarding using SSH. You need to think of port forwarding as tunneling, meaning that a person can tunnel almost anything through a SSH channel. Lets take a look..

SSH and Trust Relationships
First thing to understand is that SSH has a default port of 22, but this port can be changed. When a client connects to a SSH server, anything traveling via that established channel will be encrypted. You also need to understand the issues of trust relationships as we go through this article. A trust relationship is where one machine grants another machine certain privileges based upon where that machine is situated. I know these two ideas do not seem related right now, but just bear them in mind and you will soon see how they relate.

Local Port Forwarding
What happens here is that the client connects to the ssh server , then asks the ssh server to forward a port it can see, to a specified port on the client. For example, lets say the client is a machine called clntpc, the SSH server's name is bigbox, and the target server is bullseye. Now clntpc wants to check the POP3 service on bullseye, but does not have the access to do so. But bigbox can access bullseye, and clntpc can ssh to bigbox. So what clntpc does is ssh to bigbox, and tell bigbox to tunnel out the POP3 port on bullseye to a specified local port on clntpc. Once this has happened, clntpc can connect to itself at the specified local port and access the POP3 service on bullseye. Lets take a look at this process in detail:
What happened in the above example is that clntpc could not access the POP3 resource on bullseye, but bigbox could. So clntpc exploited that trust relationship to get bigbox to tunnel the POP3 resource out to clntpc. If clntpc wanted to make the locally forwarded port accessible to people accessing clntpc, then in setting up the tunnel a -g flag would have been used. Also important to remember is that the communication between clntpc and bigbox is all encrypted and happening over the ssh channel, this includes the POP3 traffic, however this does not apply to the traffic between bigbox and bullseye. Remember that the format for the ssh local forwarding command is:
ssh -g -L [local_port]:[target_server]:[server_port] [user]@[ssh_server]

Remote Port Forwarding
This is the other aspect of ssh tunneling, and in this instance the client does not ask for target port to be sent back to itself, rather it sends a target port to another system's port. For example, let stay with our three machines and the POP3 traffic. Lets same bigbox wants people to access the POP3 email on bullseye, but does not want to make the port publicly available. What can happen is that bigbox can forward the bullseye POP3 port to clntpc. This would allow people in the network with clntpc to connect to a specified port on clntpc to access the POP3 service on bullseye. Also since this traffic is traveling in a ssh tunnel, the traffic is encrypted and bigbox does not need to make the POP3 port publicly available. Think of it as a cheap and fast VPN solution for one port. Lets look at the details:
What has happened in the above example is that bigbox did not want to make the POP3 port publicly available and wanted to encrypt the POP3 traffic. Now since bigbox could see both clntpc and bullseye, but they could not see one another, it could act as the creator of the tunnel as it was trusted by both sides (remember trust relationships). Once the tunnel was made, all traffic between bigbox and clntpc went through the ssh tunnel and was encrypted, but remember that the traffic from bigbox to bullseye and the traffic between clntpc and any clients accessing the forwarded port would not be encrypted by ssh. If, as in this example, you want other people to have access to the forwarded port, then you must remember to set the GatewayPorts yes option in the sshd configuration file (generally sshd_config) on the client side (in this example it would need to be set on clntpc). However, setting this makes all forwarded ports publicly available which may be a hassle.  The format for the command is:
ssh -R [port_to _be forwarded_to]:[target_server]:[forwarded_port] [user]@[ssh_server]

Other tweaks
You will have seen in using these examples that they open up an ssh session, and when that session closes so does the tunnel. Now this behavior could put a dampener on your testing. But what you can try are some of the following;
Final Thoughts
Just remember something when you play with this functionality. Yes, it is seriously cool. But it also can very easily be used to circumvent established firewall rules and security policies. Remember that those rules and policies were put in place for a reason and you sidestep them at your own risk. Also all you system administrators out there, bear this functionality in mind when you're setting up your networks. And lastly, all playing with this is at your own risk. You screw up and let an attacker onto your network, that is your problem.... otherwise have fun.